It is the dream of many individuals to start and run their own business, and we all know many people do it successfully, but what might not be so commonly known is the link between start-up businesses and drug rehab.
Before anyone thinks we are talking about someone starting an illegal drug running and supply business here, we are not.
Instead, we are talking about legitimate new businesses whose owners succumb to drug addiction.
It has long been known that drug addiction is not restricted to those that might be considered to be at the lower end of the income and social ladders.
The fact that someone is in a respected and professional job and is earning a six-figure salary does not preclude them from the possibility of becoming addicted to drugs from cocaine to ice addiction.
This also applies to those who wish to start a business, and given that doing so normally requires levels of entrepreneurship, intelligence, and in almost all cases the financial means to get the business off the ground, we are once again looking at a demographic that most people would not automatically consider being prone to drug addiction.
The fact is that whilst being in poverty can be a trigger for someone to start taking drugs, possibly in an attempt to find some kind of escape, equally true is wealthy people also seek refuge from their problems by taking drugs.
The trigger here is not the size of their bank balance, but instead the problems, stress, and anxiety they face. The specific problems might be widely different, but the means of escape is not…drugs.
So, when it comes to business start-ups what might be the reasons that can tip budding entrepreneurs into taking drugs? Well, if you were to speak to a group of start-up business owners they might give one or more of the following reasons.
It should come as no surprise that the number one cause of drug use in business start-ups is stress.
Having probably moved from a secure job with a regular income, the person has moved to an insecure environment, has no guarantees, has multiple pressure points, and until the business has some success, zero income.
If that is not a stressful set of circumstances, what is? In this situation, some entrepreneurs turn to drugs to relieve the huge level of stress they feel.
When you are an employee you usually work with other employees. Some may be above you in the management structure, some below, and some who are on the same level.
You interact with all levels each day, and it is these interactions and sense that they are part of a team that many start-up business owners say they miss the most.
Starting a business can be a lonely endeavour and often you have no one to discuss your problems and worries with, thus the sense of isolation.
Long Hours
Those who run businesses usually work long hours, and that is magnified further when trying to get a start-up business to gain some momentum.
Some of the hours may be frantic, others might be boring, such as when awaiting a crucial delivery or telephone call.
Whatever the specific reason for the long hours they can cause a person to feel negative emotions, and this can spark taking drugs to gain relief from that negativity.