If your website has a blog and you create posts for it, it is to your credit because we guarantee many competitors will not be.
However, even though you publish blog posts, you might wonder why you see very little return for that effort.
Blog posts have several objectives that can be measured, such as click-through rates, the blog page’s ranking on Google, and the number of positive comments it generates.
If these, and any other way you measure your blog posts, are nowhere near where you hoped for, then it could be, despite your best efforts, that your blog posts are simply not working.
There are several ways to address this, and none is particularly difficult. So, from a reputable digital marketing agency, here are ten essential ways to make your blog posts more effective.
#1 – Know Who Your Audience Is: One of the biggest mistakes we see is blog posts being written with no obvious audience in mind, and as such, they become a bland and unremarkable pieces of text. You should know who your audience is, and when writing each post, write it in a way that will resonate with them.
#2 – Create Compelling Blog Post Titles: Copywriters are paid fortunes to create magazine headlines, and there is a reason why. It is the headlines that draw in readers. That same principle applies to the title of your blog posts, so spend the time to create compelling titles that attract an audience to every post.
#3 – Use Headings Throughout The Blog Post: Most people reading pages online will tend to skim through them and stop whenever they see a word or phrase which catches their eye. Use this fact to augment your blog posts by having headings throughout them that draw attention to what follows.
#4 – Break Up Text Blocks Into Smaller Sections: Seeing a massive text block puts people off reading. Besides, it looks terrible on-screen too. Break every blog post down into smaller sections to make the entire post easier to read.
#5 – Include Bullet Points In Your Blog Posts: People love reading through lists; that is why using bullet points to create lists within your blog posts is highly effective. As with the previous tip, bullet points make blog posts easier to read.
#6: Use Images And Graphics: No one ever said blog posts had to be all text which is why we wonder why so many blogs are boring text fests. Using images and graphics of all types makes your blog posts look more appealing and can support the points you make in the text.
#7: Include A Clear Call To Action: Each blog post should have a purpose, and often that will mean including a call to action in them This does not always have to be related to selling something, but instead getting them to visit your social media, sign up for a webinar or clicking to another page on your website, for example.
#8 – Encourage Readers To Share Your Blog Posts: The more exposure your content has online, the greater your potential audience, so every post should include a line requesting that the person reading it shares it. Also, ensure you include social media buttons for this purpose.
#9 – Notify Your Other Audiences Of Each New Blog Post: If you have followers on social media, email subscribers, or subscribers to a podcast or YouTube channel, let them all know each time you publish a new blog post. The more people who read it, the more effective it will be.
#10 – Ensure All Your Metadata Is Optimised: To ensure that each blog post fully contributes to your SEO efforts you must ensure each one has its metadata in place, it is accurate, it is complete, and it is fully optimised.